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074 - 9531113

Welcome to Bunbeg Dental

Our Services
Crowns and Bridges

Crowns & Bridges

Crowns, Bridges & Veneers

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General Dentistry

All general dentistry work

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Root Canal Treatments

Root Canals

Incisor, Canine & Premolar

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woman in dentists chair

Dentistry for all the family in a relaxed, safe, environment

We are a long established family practice located in the heart of Gweedore. We take pride in providing a wide range of quality treatments for all the family, with an emphasis on maintaining good oral health. We welcome all new patients, including those with medical card and PRSI cover.


Covid Precautions

We take every possible precaution to make your visit safe for yourself, ourselves and the community. Protective clothing, air purification, ventilation and rigorous hygiene are used to prevent any cross infection. Staff are temperature tested every morning, and patients are temperature tested before appointments. If your temperature is above 37.9, or you have had any chest symptoms, shortness of breath or loss of taste of smell, or have been in contact with anyone with suspected Covid, we will ask you to postpone your appointment. We ask you to wait in your car and we will call you in when we are ready to see you. During your visit, please wear your mask until the dentist asks you to remove it, and use the hand sanitiser provided on entering and leaving. Thank you for your understanding, support and cooperation during this difficult time..


Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday
9.30am - 5.00pm

9.30am - 2.00pm

Saturday & Sunday
